End of Life Services
There is nothing harder than seeing a valued member of your family endure discomfort or pain. There are many reasons why an pet may suffer, whether it be related to injury, disease, or simply old age. Pawsitive Animal Care provides compassionate care to pets regardless of their stage of life or health.

There are many services that we provide, depending on the specifics of your pet's health.
Quality of Life Assessment
We can help you determine what your pet needs, and what treatments they might most benefit from. If you are thinking about in-home euthanasia but you have uncertainty, we can also help you make that decision by evaluating your pet. The doctor can come to your home, or have a phone consultation or telehealth appointment.
To inquire about about scheduling an appointment with us, please click here.
Palliative Care and Hospice Care
There are many traditional and alternative treatments that we are able to provide for your pet. There are an array of options when it comes to medications that can help your pet feel comfortable, reduce anxiety and stay active, depending on their condition. Furthermore, there are non-pharmaceutical alternative therapies being developed that can provide relief. Lastly, environmental changes can be assessed in an in-home visit and provide valuable insight into helping your pet. We are experienced and familiar with an array of options that you can discuss with the veterinarian.
To learn more about these services, please click here.
In-Home Euthanasia
When it is time to say goodbye, when your pet is suffering and no longer has an acceptable quality of life, sometimes euthanasia is the most compassionate option. By providing this service in your home, you are able to allow your pet to pass peacefully and around loved ones. Sometimes this the best and final gift you can give to you beloved pet.
You can read more about that service here.
Palliative Care and Hospice Care
What is palliative care? What is hospice care? Are they the same?
When your pet is suffering, there are often actions that can be taken to allow your pet to have the best quality of life possible. Sometimes this involves medication that can reduce pain and anxiety, however there is also an array of treatments and therapies that can make your pet more comfortable, including increasing their appetite and energy level.
"Palliative care" is the sum of these comfort-giving therapies during a time when your pet may be actively being treated for a disease condition, with the hope that your pet makes a full recovery. Perhaps your pet has had surgery, or is being treated with medication for an acute condition (such as cancer). Palliative care focuses on your animal's comfort level during this time in which they are concurrently receiving these medical treatments.
Sometimes a pet may have a chronic condition, such as kidney disease or arthritis, which will have to be managed for the remainder of their life. Part of the treatment for chronic conditions such as these would focus on managing and reducing the severity of the condition in order to prolong life, mobility, and keep your pet as healthy as possible. At the same time, additional focus can be placed on providing pain and anxiety relief and comfort. This is another form of palliative care.
Sadly, sometimes a beloved animal reaches the point where it is no longer practical or feasible to continue to try to manage a disease condition or injury, yet your pet may still have time left on this earth. No more visits to the vet, no more blood tests, no more uncomfortable pokes and prods. However, with hospice care, your pet can still live out their remaining days in the best comfort possible with pain management and therapies that are geared solely toward quality of life.